Bone-afideThursday14th November 2024, 7:30 pmTrombone Quartet
TheawardwinningBone-afideisanemergingchamberensemblemadeupofsomeoftheUK’s leadingyoungtrombonists.TheyshowcasetheversatilityoftheTrombone,performingworks from all genres and periods with the aim of defying stereotypes surrounding the instrument.In2020,thequartetbecamejointwinnersoftheInternationalTromboneAssociationQuartet competition.Laterinthesameyear,theybecamearecipientoftheprestigiousTunnellTrust Award, which will see the group perform a number of concerts throughout Scotland in 2022.The Bone-afide concert line-up will vary from the publicity picture provided: Robert Mosley, Merin Rhyd, Simon Minshall standing in for Isobel Daws and Benny Vernon.This concert is supported by the Countess of Munster Trust.
Programme Dances and Dreams - arr./comp Dan JenkinsThe Peacock - Kodaly, arr. Isobel DawsAdagio from Symphony no. 3 - Saint Saëns, arr. K MurleyFour Cances - Callum Au
William Tell Overture - Rossini, arr. Thomas Horch Excerpts from Swan Lake Suite - Tchaikovsky, arr. W FosterTrombone Quartet - Brian LynnCariad Caerlyr - Patrick RimesSway - Ruiz, arr. Sam Every
TheawardwinningBone-afideisan emergingchamberensemblemadeup ofsomeoftheUK’sleadingyoung trombonists.Theyshowcasethe versatilityoftheTrombone,performing worksfromallgenresandperiodswith theaimofdefyingstereotypes surroundingtheinstrument.In2020,the quartetbecamejointwinnersofthe InternationalTromboneAssociation Quartetcompetition.Laterinthesame year,theybecamearecipientofthe prestigiousTunnellTrustAward,which willseethegroupperformanumberof concerts throughout Scotland in 2022.
Bone-afideThursday14th November 2024, 7:30 pmTrombone Quartet
ProgrammeDances and Dreams - arr./comp Dan JenkinsThe Peacock - Kodaly, arr. Isobel DawsAdagio from Symphony no. 3 - Saint Saëns, arr. K MurleyFour Dances - Callum AuWilliam Tell Overture - Rossini, arr. Thomas HorcExcerpts from Swan Lake Suite - Tchaikovsky, arr. W FosterTrombone Quartet - Brian LynnCariad Caerlyr - Patrick RimesSway - Ruiz, arr. Sam Every
Bone-afide concert line-up: Robert Mosley, Merin Rhyd, Simon Minshall standing in for Isobel Daws and Benny Vernon.This concert is supported by the Countess of Munster Trust.